Pro Mini Atmega328P 3.3V 8M 8MHz Develop Board set

Pro Mini Atmega328P 3.3V 8M 8MHz Develop Board set

75 kr

Pro Mini Atmega328P 3.3V 8M 8MHz Develop Board & CP2102 Module USB to TTL Set

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Pro Mini 3.3V 8MHZ +CP2102 Moudule
Pro Mini atmega328p Board : For Arduino-compatible Board. ATmega328 running at 8Mhz with external resonator (0.5% tolerance) USB connection off board Supports auto-reset Max 150mA output Over current protected Reverse polarity protected DC input 3.3V up to 12V On board Power and Status LEDs
CP2102 Module With DTR Pin STC Downloader Module USB to TTL Use FOR SILABS CP2102 chip company With RXD TXD RST 3.3V 5V DTR DCD RI RTS CTS and other full-featured interfaces With 500mA resettable fuse design With power indicator light Line computer USB interface design, you can not use the computer adapter cable or extended. DuPont line, you can link directly to the customer’s target board. Convenient and flexible Transmission speed 115200bps easily qualified, definitely more than PL2303 To borrow a computer USB power supply, 3.3V and 5V power output can be provided directly to the user target board Note: RXD TXD marked some non-standard equipment, even if not directly, please cross-connect

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